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Just smile!

A brilliant, dear friend and Platform Partner called me today.

I have been involved with him as a Board Member for a revolutionary healthcare technology company that he has been developing, and despite some overture on my part, I had not heard back for a number of weeks, which was very unlike him.

He shared with me that he has been struggling with some debilitating chronic health issues, which have had an adverse affect on his personal relationships and which have contributed to a state of reclusive depression.

As I commiserated with him and his plight, we talked of ways to approach his challenges from the best vantage point.

Light over Darkness. Hope over Futility. Intestinal Fortitude over Weakness. Gratitude over Self Pity. Forgiveness over Blame and Self Care over Self Destruction.

I acknowledged that while these choices sound simple, the challenges often feel insurmountable and overwhelming.

I don’t know what prompted these words, but I told him, “When you feel most lousy, and you don’t have the strength for anything else…Just force yourself to smile. The worst thing that can happen is that you will find yourself with a smile on your face”.

“You’re right!” he exclaimed, and I literally heard his voice change as the corners of his mouth turned upwards in smile and as we continued to speak for a few more minutes his tone and demeanor were lighter and more hopeful.

We can’t always find an obvious fix to our troubles. Life is tough and not in our control, so concentrate on that which is in your control. The choice to smile is free and once we do it consciously, it will reveal the blessing that lays concealed.




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