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It’s Worth It..

I just returned from NY where I was visiting the family of my dear great uncle who recently passed away at the ripe old age of 92.

My uncle was a mountain of a man.

Superhuman strength coupled with a zest for life that was palpable and infectious.

An orphaned refugee at the tender age of 11, he escaped the ravages of war, famine and plague and assumed the mantle of family provider for his dear mother and siblings while establishing himself in the US as a successful businessman, a beloved community leader and an adored husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather to many, as well as endless friends and people that he seemed to have profoundly touched throughout his life.

About 14 years ago, he came down with a severe bout of pneumonia which ended up with him in hospital with a raging infection that just about killed him. He was within days of his demise and yet somehow, he turned it around.

Over the next 14 years, albeit with diminished strength, he never allowed it to hold him back from anything. He took every opportunity to celebrate life and his family and demonstrated for us all what it truly means to love to live.

The next time I don't feel up for the challenge or I am feeling sorry for myself in any way, I will picture his wide eyed excitement and beautiful smile that lit up every room and remind myself that I only have one life to live and I need to make the most of every minute.

His memory should be a blessing



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